Monday 8 February 2010

A Celebration on the Erratics

Sunday 7th Feb 2010.
                   Another dark cold damp misty day but this didn't stop us from enjoying our Sunday walk.Today we've travelled about 25 mile into the limestone countryside around Clapham in Yorkshire. This walk doesn't gain too much height so we were down below the mist. The walk goes over the Norber Erratics, these boulders have been brought down with the glaciers about 15 thousand years ago from further up the valley in Crummackdale, when the ice melted the boulders were dumped on the limestone. Since that time the limestone has eroded away with the rain water but the rocks act like umberellas and shelter the limestone underneath them from erosion so they're left standing on thin limestone pillars.
             Today Ian and Lorna, friends of Brian and Teresa joined us and that's the reason for our celebration on the Erratics, unknown to us they'd brought a bottle of Champagne, so hence the toast to celebrate the birth of their first grandchild..... a grandson.
 The Norber Erratics

The clapper bridge in Coverdale
The first Snow Drops in the hamlet of Wharfe


And finally.....Our own Calender Girls


  1. The more I look at your photos the more I feel we have met along some walk - Another wonderful walk, and of course congratulations to the new grandparents.

  2. Awwww, what a wonderfully unique way to celebrate the birth of a grandson! Beautiful photos David. That's amazing how the huge boulder is resting on the three smaller stones! It's glorious countryside.... no wonder you love getting out and about..... and the Calender Girls look very happy! :D

  3. The calender girls are going to need some bigger buns!!!

  4. I want to join your walks, you can stay the whole day without being tired because it is cold. haha! But where are the orchids!!!
