28th April 2013
During last year I followed and filmed along with other members of Burnley Film Makers many events organised by the Ribble Rivers Trust to promote an awareness of our local heritage.
Their bid was submitted to the Heritage Lottery Fund and they have been successful in achieving a grant award of £674,000, the project will see almost £1 million pounds being spent on the naturalisation of the rivers of Burnley with the involvement of the local communities.
Victoria Dewhurst, Community Engagement Officer for the Urban Rivers Enhancement Scheme (URES) said, making physical improvements to the river habitats, controlling invasive species and improving biodiversity, we known that local people are essential to the success of URES and we are working to encourage and equip our communities with the skills,experience and confidence to take ownership and pride in our rivers.
This is the short film we made, we hope it helped with the success of their bid.
I've copied and pasted the film off their website hoping it will give them more publicity.
During last year I followed and filmed along with other members of Burnley Film Makers many events organised by the Ribble Rivers Trust to promote an awareness of our local heritage.
Their bid was submitted to the Heritage Lottery Fund and they have been successful in achieving a grant award of £674,000, the project will see almost £1 million pounds being spent on the naturalisation of the rivers of Burnley with the involvement of the local communities.
Victoria Dewhurst, Community Engagement Officer for the Urban Rivers Enhancement Scheme (URES) said, making physical improvements to the river habitats, controlling invasive species and improving biodiversity, we known that local people are essential to the success of URES and we are working to encourage and equip our communities with the skills,experience and confidence to take ownership and pride in our rivers.
This is the short film we made, we hope it helped with the success of their bid.
I've copied and pasted the film off their website hoping it will give them more publicity.